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Ways to hire a bartender

Ways to hire a bartender
Ways to hire a bartender
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Ways To Hire A Bartender -- Dont forget to check out our great Bar Party Products

Step 1

Checking with friends who have used a bartender's services previously is a good idea.  Also, caterers, party planner and local agencies are excellent sources when searching for a reliable and reputable bartender.

Step 2

Always check with the bartender to see what kind of supplies they are bringing that a person ordinarily would not have on hand.  Wine openers, cocktail shaker, strainer, pour spouts and other things should be in their bar kit.  It is your responsibility to provide the glasses, ice, beverages and blender.

Step 3

It is essential that you learn, beforehand, what experience the bartender has.  What kind of drinks he or she can mix, how many years in the business and so forth.  Many people who work in certain types of liquor establishments may not know how to mix special drinks.

Step 4

Establishing what is expected in the way of supply of glassware and beverages as well as how the bar is set up is essential for a successful affair.  They should be told they are in charge of their work place and must keep everything picked up and drinks supplied on order.

Step 5

When planning a party on your own, without the assistance of a caterer, that means you will be very busy.  It is possible to get an idea as to the amount of liquor required if you check with an experienced bartender, relating the number of expected guests and other details.

Step 6

Be sure that the person hired is experiences and not a novice in the business.  An experienced person will always present a tidy figure with the appropriate attire.

It is essential that you avoid hiring someone who is inexperienced and a novice in the field.  An experienced person will not only know all the details of bartending but arrive neatly dressed in the appropriate attire.

Jarrod Brake Written By: Jarrod Brake
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