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Chocolate Pudding Graves

Chocolate Pudding Graves
Chocolate Pudding Graves
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Chocolate Pudding Graves

What you need: 
1 pack of chocolate pudding 
2.5 cups of milk
One teaspoon of espresso coffee powder 
One teaspoon of vanilla
Half a cup of chocolate chips
Orange coloured icing 
6 Chocolate cookies
8 chocolate wafer cookies (Crushed)

How to make: 
1. In a saucepan mix together the pudding mix, milk and coffee powder and cook for five minutes over a medium heat until the mixture comes to a boil and thickens.
2. Remove from heat and add to custard cups. 
3. Place in fridge to set.
4.  With the Icing write RIP on cookie and place in the custard cups as a tomb stone. 
5. Sprinkle crushed wafer cookies on each custard and serve. 

Jarrod Brake Written By: Jarrod Brake
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