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Chocolate Chip Cookie Kahlua Milkshakes

Chocolate Chip Cookie Kahlua Milkshakes
Chocolate Chip Cookie Kahlua Milkshakes
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Chocolate chip Cookie Kahlua Milkshakes 

Ingredients needed 

(makes 2 shakes)
2 cups coffee ice cream
2 large chocolate chip cookies + 1 more to crumble on top
1 1/2 cups milk (I used vanilla around coconut milk)
1/2 cup kahlua
6 ice cubes

Instructions on how to make:

You should add all ingredients, use a blender and have it processed until almost smooth, ensure you leave some small pieces of cookies if possible. Just have them poured in glasses and crumble more cookies on top. Go ahead and serve.

Jarrod Brake Written By: Jarrod Brake
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