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Caramel Pumpkin Mini Cheese Cakes

Caramel Pumpkin Mini Cheese Cakes
Caramel Pumpkin Mini Cheese Cakes
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Caramel Pumpkin Cheese Cake

What you will need: 

Half a cup of canned pumpkin 
2 eggs
460 millilitres of cream cheese 
3/4 cup of granulated sugar
Half a cup of caramel sauce
1 teaspoon of pumpkin pie spice
1/4 a of cup chopped pecans
One cup Cinnamon Cereal crumbs
2 tablespoon of butter

How to make Caramel Pumpkin Cheese Cake:

1. Heat oven to 150°C.
2. Now line a mini muffin pan with liners.
3. In a bowl mix the butter and cereal together and distribute evenly among the liners and press them to the bottom. 
4.  Now mix the cream cheese with a mixer till it’s smooth and creamy. Slowly add in sugar gradually with mixer on a slow speed then add in the eggs till blended. 
5. Spoon in one and a half spoons of the mixture on top of the crust.
6. Now you need to stir the pumpkin and spice in to the remaining cream cheese mixture till its smooth and add on top of the plain cheesecake layer. 
7. Bake for 30 minutes. 
8. Cool to room temperature and place in refrigerator after garnishing with caramel sauce and pecans. 

Jarrod Brake Written By: Jarrod Brake
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