18th party themes

18th party themes


Aside from the usual, dancing, eating, and mingling with friends, there are many party themes that can make a special and memorable 18th birthday party.

Survivor themed party 

If you and your friends love adventure, solving puzzles and would not mind getting dirty for the sake of fun, then you can start a survivor themed 18th party. You can either act as the host and give instructions for each and every game or you can also be one of the playing members of a team and compete. The biggest advantage of this theme is the fact that there will be instant bonding for you and your friends and at the same time, each of you can use your wit, strength and patience for each and every activity, and all for the fun of it.

Twilight themed party

If you are one of those avid fan of the Twilight Saga (book and the movie of Stephanie Meyer) then you can initiate an 18th party where you and your guests will dress like those of the handsome and pretty vampires, all with coat, extra powdery/white faces and coloured eye lenses.

Casino themed Party

What’s the common scene in a casino? Poker table, roulette, some beers, poker chips, dice and cards. You can have all of this and set up a casino-themed 18th birthday party in your own home. Or better yet, you and your friends can celebrate inside the real casino place.

A pool party

Rent a private pool/resort, invite your friends and make sure that you asked them to bring their togs and other swim suit paraphernalia with them. For the venue, more fun and excitement can be achieved if there will be barbecues, chips and/or some light beers. More so, you can initiate some water fights, water slide plays and other activities in the pool.

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