How to add fun to a company event?

How to add fun to a company event?

Looking for ways to make that next corporate event more special?

Organizing and managing a company event can sometimes be a little tricky. Since it will be an event where the top honchos of the company will sure to attend to, aside from all the other members of the organization, it is vital that everyone will be kept entertained. It is always the goal of the event to give all the attendees a fun and memorable experience, and so here are some of the fun activities you can initiate to assure that this goal is achieved:

An Exciting raffle
It is always exciting to win something or anything! For a company event, may it be a product launch, an anniversary celebration, or an award’s night, it would be good to have some raffle prizes where all attendees are given the chance of winning something.

Raffles can be done by having all the attendees sign an attendance sheet as they enter the venue. In that sheet, they will be given a corresponding number which will then be put into a raffle box and from time to time, the host of the event will draw some winners from the raffle box. Strict rules or guidelines may be necessary such as if the number is called and the person is not there anymore, then his/her winning is already forfeited. This then will encourage all the attendees to stay up until the event is finish, especially if a grand prize will be drawn at the end of the event.

Company milestone quiz

Another great ice breaker activity is giving out quiz-like questions about the milestones of the company, which may also be about some commendable people (like the founding members etc.), quotable quotes that is known within the company premises, and questions about special instances and/or event of the company.

Having such kind of quiz will show who among the attendees have great knowledge about the ins and outs of the business and of the people. People who may have been in the company the longest may be able to give more accurate answers, but this is a good chance for the newer batch or the younger ones to learn much about the company’s history. This is also a good chance to ‘test’ the company personnel how deep is their understanding about the company as a whole, while having fun at the same time..
For added excitement, special prizes can be given to the people who can give the most accurate answer the quickest time possible.

Talent showcase

Seeing your colleagues, friends and/or bosses singing, dancing, or showing off their talents is another way of initiating fun in a company event. This gives chance to people to move out of their usual formal demeanour and demonstrate their special talents while their friends and colleagues are cheering for them. This can even be made in a form of team, group or per department competition and the best ‘show’ will receive a special prize. If this is done as a group competition, it will also enhance teamwork and camaraderie among each team while having fun.


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