How to make star galaxies in a bottle

How to make star galaxies in a bottle


What you will need to make them…

1. A clear bottle or container with a decent lid.

2. Cotton balls

3. Glitter ( colour of your choice )

4. Water

5. Food colouring or fabric die (typically pinks and blues work best, yet you can pick anything that you prefer.

6. A pencil, straw, or any other form of stick

How to make your star galaxy container:

1. To Get started,take your jug and make sure its all cleaned out. At that point add some water to fill the jug ( approx half way )

2. Now you can add your fabric die or food colouring and then mix it all together
with your pencil or straw

3. Now mix in enough cotton ( The amount depends on the size and shape of your container ). Make a point to totally absorb it and continue squeezing with your straw until the cotton has become completely submerged. At that point add some of your glitter to the arrangement and shake it up so that the sparkle spreads through the mix.

4. Now you are going to put more of your cotton on top of the first base level, so you create a second layer. Then make a solution of water and another colour of dye in a separate container and mix that solution over your second layer of cotton. Then add more glitter and mix it up with the straw.

5. Keep doing the last method until you have numerous layers of shading and your container is filled to the top. Secure your amazing bottle/container with a top and hang it where you like.


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