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60th Birthday Party Ideas

60th Birthday Party Ideas
60th Birthday Party Ideas
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In eastern culture, parents are highly revered and the children take care of them and provide them with all they need just as they did while the children were young. Western culture needs to embrace this feature a little more firmly as well. This statement does not imply that people in the west mistreat their parents in any way; it does however mean that emphasis has to be laid in strengthening family bonds in western culture.

Nothing brings a family closer together than the celebration of each other’s birthdays and inviting each other to be a part of birthday celebrations. This brings us to celebrating family birthdays especially those of your parents and elder relatives that have had a good influence on you while you were growing up. As parents, or any other loved relative such as an uncle or aunt, get older, it is natural to want to make their birthdays more and more special. 60th birthdays have to be made extra special because at this age your parents might be considering themselves to be old at last now that none of their children are dependent on them and they have reached the age of retirement. Elder relatives that have also been there for you deserve a good 60th birthday celebration as well. Make their 60th birthday extra special and show them that they are still cared for and loved like they were before.

There are plenty of things that you can do to make anyone’s 60th birthday special and one worth remembering. The most obvious and important part of planning someone’s 60th birthday is keep in mind what that person likes and dislikes. Plan the whole birthday according to what you think that person really fancies; if the person really likes a rather classy party with the guests dancing to a particular type of music or if the person you are planning the birthday for is a fan of a particular type of cuisine then incorporate that into the party. The point is to have a party that would be a breath of fresh air for your parent or whoever the party is for. We’ll come to such ideas later in the article.

Make the party a surprise or a preannounced one according to the taste of the person whose birthday it is. If the person likes surprises then go ahead and plan a mega surprise or if the person is not a big fan of surprises and likes to be told about things beforehand then make sure you do so. Take extra care to make every part of the party a pleasant one right from the very beginning. However, whether it is a surprise or announced birthday party make sure you invite all your close family and your father’ or your mother’s (or whoever the birthday party is for) friends to the party; try to make this a family event.

Music and dance are timeless and without a doubt both these things were in fashion 60 years earlier as much as they are today. However, the music and the style of dancing have drastically changed. One great idea that you can is to have a family gathering with old school clothes with which the one turning sixty can relate to and have music from the era when that person was young. Remember that you do not have to get all boring for this party; give the party a modern and cool touch. You can do this by using remixes and more upbeat versions of old songs that your parents liked back in the day. You can also add funky lights to the party such as the Go Any Where Light Show or the LED Crystal Ball Light. Adding such lighting effects will hype up the birthday party and everybody will enjoy dancing even more.

Food is essential for every party but how about this; you base the whole party on food that that special person you are planning the birthday for really likes and have not had a chance to eat in a long while. Plan a nice outdoor dinner with and invite all the friends and family that your father or mother (or once again anyone the birthday party is for) would really like to see. Give them a chance to reconnect over delicious food. As far as the food is concerned, plan what you will cook before hand and if possible test the dishes by making them once before the party. As far as the decorations are concerned, try using Chinese paper lanterns such as White Paper Lanterns and Yellow Paper Lanterns to give the birthday area an elegant and homely look. Moreover you can use the Single light for Paper Lanterns to give the lanterns a glow and improve the overall lighting of the area. 

Jarrod Brake Written By: Jarrod Brake
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