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Pineapple And Coconut Punch Champagne

Pineapple And Coconut Punch Champagne
Pineapple And Coconut Punch Champagne
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What you will need:

1.5 cups of chopped up fresh fruits


A pack of coconut water

A cup of pineapple juice

Pink liquid food colouring

A bottle of inexpensive champagne (cava or prosecco)

How to make pineapple and coconut punch champagne: 

1.  Thread your fruit on the skewers and let them freeze for an hours or so.

2. In a jug mix the coconut water, juice and a few drops of pink food colouring and mix well.

3. Place in the refrigerator to chill.

4. Take your champagne flutes and fill the glasses by 2/3 and add the skewers and top of with chilled champagne.


Jarrod Brake Written By: Jarrod Brake
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