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Honeymoon planning Ideas

Honeymoon planning Ideas
Honeymoon planning Ideas
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Honeymoon Planning Ideas


A honeymoon is the most important thing to a newly married couple, next to the wedding itself.  Therefore, it is important that you also make complete plans so that it is an exciting start on the new journey in life you're undertaking together.  One thing that will ensure it will be a time fondly remembered is to decide on a destination on which you both agree.


Planning for your trip

A honeymoon can sometimes be almost as expensive as the wedding, depending on the destination.  Things to be considered are:  accommodations, sightseeing trips, airfare, car rental and taxes.  If either of you have frequent flyer miles, they can be used for the airfare as well as for many other amenities.  Airlines can help determine how best to utilize these valuable bonuses.  It is important that you work out a suitable budget so that you don't come home and start your new life in debt.


Once the destination is selected, all reservations should be booked well in advance.  This would include airline tickets, accommodations, tours, and any other extras that you desire to see or do during this once in a lifetime opportunity.  Keeping an accurate record of all dates, reference numbers, addresses and phone numbers will also provide peace-of-mind while in an unfamiliar location.  Organization and documentation are planning strategies that will serve you well.  This may require creating a folder where records, payments, phone numbers, and the itinerary are easily accessible and can be included in luggage when packing.


Necessary needs

If planning an overseas journey a passport will be needed.  Be sure that the names on the airplane tickets are the same as that on legal documents or admission to the airline as well as entry into the destination will more than likely be denied.  It's very important to remember that for the purpose of booking the airline tickets the bride's maiden name will still be required as change-of-name cannot occur until official records are received from the recorder's office which can take up to eight weeks.


If a visa is needed it should be applied for well in advance as there are often delays in receiving documents of this nature.  It is important that prerequisites for application as well as information on the country or area to be visited be requested.  In some countries, vaccinations may be required while in others there may be a dress code.  Some countries, for instance, only allow women to wear skirts or dresses unless sunbathing.  This would be important to know before leaving home.


Completing preparations

One never knows when an emergency will occur when away from home for a period of time.  For that reason it is recommended that you leave an itinerary with a relative or friend, complete with telephone numbers.  Always have the mail stopped, or forwarded, as well as other deliveries such as the newspaper.  If the trip is to cover a longer period of time, such as a month or more, arrangements also be made to pay monthly bills.

Luggage is a very important consideration as it needs to secure belongings in such a way as to eliminate excess worry.  Therefore, a check should be made to be sure the luggage is appropriate and in good condition well in advance of the trip.  Travel accessories such as film, batteries, sunscreen, and medicine such as aspirin or allergy pills also need to be considered, purchased, and packed early.


The monetary system in many countries can be very confusing.  Having some cash in hand which allows for purchases in the home country as well as aboard is important.  Most banks carry currency from major countries, but many countries prefer credit cards or cash over traveller's cheques so it's important to ensure that all forms of payment are available prior to departure.


Finally, ensuring that beloved pets left behind are well cared for is very important.  If you have a pet it's important to remember that they often become upset when change occurs.  Therefore, it's important to ensure that are well taken care of during your absence.  If possible it is much better to have a friend assume this duty rather than putting it in a kennel as they will be familiar with those they are with on a daily basis.  An arrangement should also be made to have someone water any plants that need continual care.


It's easy to get caught up in the planning, activities, and expectations associated with a wedding, but it's important to remember that the honeymoon is the first steps a couple will make as man and wife.  In a way it sets the stage for the rest of your lives together and should be filled with all the pleasure, joy, adventure, excitement, and love life has to offer.  The best way to ensure that your life together starts out on the right foot is to plan carefully for this most important event in your lives.

Jarrod Brake Written By: Jarrod Brake
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